March 21, 2022

The Case for Cobalt

While costs rise at the pump, is there another looming energy crisis? Cobalt is one of the key components to lithium-ion batteries for it’s ability to maximize the energy density and extend battery life. But how much cobalt do we have left? A single EV battery pack contains more than 30 pounds of cobalt. Researchers estimate cobalt supply won’t be able to keep up with projected demand by 2030, even if we recycle used cobalt.

Are E-Cycling Efforts Failing?

From 2014 to 2019, e-waste volumes grew by 21%, but in 2019, only 17.4 percent of that waste was recycled.

The International Energy Association estimates that by 2040, recycled quantities of copper, lithium, nickel and cobalt from spent batteries could reduce primary supply requirements by 10%.

So what can be done?

Watch for new technologies on the horizon offering cobalt-free batteries and energy-dense batteries from Tesla. And continue using Ship n Destroy to safely and securely e-cycle old smart devices. Learn more at