October 12, 2020

New iPhone?

The iPhone 12 is set for a debut date October 13th so… what does that mean for YOU? Time to let go of your old phone. Why?

Safety – Keeping an old smart device in a drawer with a lithium battery could possibly cause a fire. DO NOT just throw your phone away – securely destroy it with Ship-n-Destroy

Security – It’s simply a security risk to have all of your sensitive data sitting on a device that can easily be hacked and have your information vulnerable. 

Company Policy – Having it be your company policy that old devices are securely destroyed is simply a good business practice and reduces your vulnerability to multi-million dollar security breaches.

At Ship-n-Destroy, we securely destroy the solid state drive on the smart phone and recycle the battery and the rest of the phone.

Find out how to securely destroy your device with ShipnDestroy.com