April 12, 2022

Is It Safe to Ship Old Smart Devices for Destruction?

Did the pandemic open the doors to Pandora’s Box when remote workers had to securely destroy their devices? In 2020, while the number of data breaches went down by 30%, the cost of a breach increased. In 2021, there were a record number of breaches increasing by 68% year over year. 

What Caused the Record Breaking Cyber Attacks in 2021?

The challenges of COVID with remote working made it virtually impossible for IT departments to keep tabs on their smart devices and where they went after an employee was issued a new device. 

According to Kyle Marks, CEO of Retire IT and IT Central “Any program lacking organizational accountability and a simple, well-designed, unambiguous protocol is in no one’s best interest and likely to fail.” 

Marks goes on to say, “it’s neither effective nor profitable for a program to depend on employees who may have only been given a general or loose directive to ship IT assets to a preferred ITAD service provider.”

So what can YOUR company do?

  • Put in place the proper protocol to ship smart devices for safe destruction through a NAID-certified provider like Ship n Destroy
  • Educate your employees how to use it.
  • Explain the shipping process, how it gets processed and how to protect sensitive data.

Let Ship n Destroy Help

Contact us and we’ll be happy to help you set up a plan for your employees to securely destroy old devices with our easy ship n destroy service.

Ready to Get Started?

Call Ship n Destroy at 877-863-3003 to schedule a time to review some solutions that would be the perfect fit for your company. Visit our website to learn more https://shipndestroy.com