September 18, 2020

How to E-Cycle Old Laptops?

As we’re starting school and getting back to a new normal, it’s important to make certain your smart devices are up-to-date and your old devices are securely destroyed. For the safety of your data, the preservation of our precious lands and due to the reduction of space in our local landfills, e-cycling is not only necessary – it’s mandatory.

What’s e-Cycling?

Electronics Recycling or e-Cycling, is a safe, secure way to recycle old laptops, desk tops and smart devices while keeping the data that’s on them secure. Ship n Destroy offers a service that allows you to safely send your old devices in a secure recycling bin to our facility where they are securely destroyed in a NAID-certified destruction facility. We can even save information off your old hard-drive for a nominal fee under $10 (less than lunch out!)

How to Ship n Destroy?

Easy! Simply visit and we’ll walk you right through it.