October 19, 2022

Battery Fires for Recyclers a Nightmare

Batteries are an essential part of our lives, but they can also be very dangerous. If not properly stored or recycled, batteries can cause fires in homes, cars, and even in people’s pockets. According to the National Fire Protection Association, over 2,000 home structure fires are started by batteries each year. That’s why it’s so important to be careful with batteries and to recycle them properly.

 How to Dispose of Old Batteries

Old batteries can be recycled, but they must be disposed of properly to avoid fires. Recyclers typically collect used batteries from businesses and consumers and then ship them to a central processing facility.

 At Ship n Destroy, we not only take care of destroying your old devices, but we dispose of the lithium batteries safely, minimizing environmental impact and keeping your data secure.

 Are There Solutions to the Fire Hazards of Lithium Batteries?

As the world becomes more and more digitized, the demand for products with embedded technology is skyrocketing. Walter Alcorn, vice president of Environmental Affairs and Industry Sustainability at the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), said he’s seeing an ever-increasing number of products with embedded technology.

 Alcorn said, “What we’re seeing is that this technology is becoming more and more commonplace,” As our battery-powered products increase, so does the demand for safer battery solutions in the manufacturing sector. Thankfully, according to Alcorn, researchers are exploring less-reactive battery chemistries so that the industry can move toward safer power storage solutions, which is good news for consumers and great news for e-cyclers.

 Dispose of your old electronics

Keeping that old smart phone in your dresser drawer or laptops in the basement is only asking for trouble. Dispose of your devices safely, securely and safely with Ship n Destroy. Learn more at shipndestroy.com