April 10, 2018

$10.00 or $27 Million? What Can Your Company Afford to Protect Customer Data?

It’s astounding that with options like Ship n Destroy’s ability to destroy hard drives, laptops and smart devices securely for under $10, reputable companies still leave themselves (and their customers,) vulnerable to attack.

Take for example Home Depot’s whopping $27.94 Million penalty, partly for illegally disposing of hazardous waste in California.

Not only did they fail to dispose of paint, batteries and other hazardous waste, they also failed to dispose of customer records (both paper and electronic,) without first rendering personal information unreadable.

For 2-1/2 years, investigators examined Home Depot trash dumpsters which uncovered the violations. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, said the retailer will pay $16.64 million in civil penalties, $9.35 million toward environmental protection and compliance, and $1.85 million to cover costs.

Granted, Home Depot makes that amount in a day, but how quickly could your company recover? Isn’t it worth your company’s reputation (and your wallet,) to protect your most important asset: your customer records? Take a look at how easy it is to Ship and Destroy sensitive electronics at https://shipndestroy.com

For NAID certified document destruction, scanning and record storage, visit https://securshred.com